Weekly Overview

*this was the norm for our Sept 2014-May 2015 calendar year.  Summer Term (June-August) is Summer Nights every Wednesday at Emmanuel. Gr 6-12. (see Summer Nights tab for more info)

Tuesdays and Thursday lunch - The youth house is opening during the high school lunch hour to hang out and get a mini break from high school. Invite your friends to come for a chill, relaxed hour. We will be playing video games, brewing lattes and eating lunch of course. Check it out - anyone from high school is welcome

Wednesday Night

6:30-7:45 Bible Study @ the youth house. This is a laid back evening studying God's word together. 

Friday Night

Every friday night we will be running some sort of youth event. Most start times will be at 7pm at the church however depending on what event we may meet/start at another time. Friday nights are a chance to unwind from the week with have a blast with your friends

Sunday Morning

9:30am we will meet in the youth house and go through the bible together and learn how it can actually apply to our everyday lives and situations. 10:45 church starts in the main building till noon

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